Tuesday, April 24, 2012

even though nobody uses blogger anymore

I decided to post again for the first time in what seems like forever!

So I had a massive urge to stalk my former self last night, and I went back to have a look at my old Xanga/Myspace. My God, I was annoying as hell- it's a wonder how I even had friends back then haha.

Funny thing I realised that never seems to change- we never seem to appreciate the ones that really matter.

The ones we mean the most to are never the ones who mean the most to us, and vice versa, because people are stupid and they never learn.

So should we stop caring about those who care little for us, or is that selfish?

Anyway, today was ridiculously cold (13 degrees and constant rain) so I took the day off uni and spent the day at home with him. Ain't nothin' better than being inside all warm and cosy, watching tv and eating, when it's pelting outside :) Sure, I didn't study like I said I would, and I was supposed to spend the whole public holiday tomorrow studying too, only to take up another full day at work instead T_T But I'm fairly sure (not to sound too cocky) that I've worked consistently enough this semester to pass all my units in June...

"Pass". Oh man, I need to start aiming higher LOL gone are the days of 'high-expectations-asian-father' (I'm addicted to 9gag and memes in general)

Other than that, life seems good right now- I have a good boy, a good job (for now, anyway), and I've been coping pretty well at uni. It's not that I'm ecstatic with life, but I guess I don't have a lot to complain about, so for once I won't - I'm probably quite content, but I'm still hoping that the future holds something more for me :)

PS. I'll just this post with some more memes because of reasons.

^ reminds me of one of my lecturers LOL