Sunday, January 2, 2011


Eurghh my posts are always supersuper delayed .. they're like 2 milestones apart =__= so I'll just quickly mention some stuff and get on to more recent events :)

Boombox Concert --> went with Sophie to see some of the most awesome Asian Youtubers (Traphik, JReyez, JRA, Lil Crazed, Lydia Paek, Kevjumba, Maribelle Anes etc.) And we got a photos with Maribelle so that was pretty damn awesome! It feels a bit weird to really really admire and respect someone younger than me, but yes I do think she is amazing at what she does and I hope she makes it big :)

On the way from the concert to the afterparty, I told Soph that I'd make sure I do something new every day because I had recently watched an episode of Friends (the NYE episode) where Ross decides to do that as his New Years Resolution.

That day I did so many new things LOL it was the first time I had gone to a concert, I bought an apple from 7/11 for the first time ($1.20 .. man I could buy a whole kilo of apples from springvale for 99c LOL) and I also went clubbing for the first time. It was fun at the time, but in hindsight a houseparty probably would have been more fun.

I don't plan to club again til after I turn 18 anyway because it's too much stress/hassle trying to get in, and then the club isn't even as fun as it's hyped up to be LOL >__>

Ahh I cbs writing more right now, I'll catch up some other time :)

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