Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I can't believe I'm writing a blog now- the last time I did this was in the Xanga days (I think I was about 14?) but then Facebook became huge, and Xanga became boring hehe.

It only just occured to me today how different Facebook is to Xanga/Myspace. From my experience, the main purpose of Xanga and Myspace was blogging, and it used to be good fun reading about peoples' days, or cheering them up when they posted something depressing/deep and meaningful <3

Xanga and Myspace (albeit somewhat less than Xanga) were about sharing select parts of yourself and your life with other people. But Facebook really isn't like that at all-
if Xanga is like baking a batch of cookies and sharing them with your neighbours, Facebook is like letting them run wild in your kitchen.
(LOL trust me to come up with a food analogy) Dont get me wrong though, I like Facebook and I probably use it more than I should, but it was just a random thought I had today when mulling over why I need to blog when I already have Facebook o_o

In my mind, it goes like this:
Your Xanga is about you, and the things that you explicitly show to your audience (through your writing), and the reader only gets what you give them.

But with Facebook nobody really writes blogs, and probably more importantly, nobody reads them. So what does the "audience" gain from your profile?
They can look at your profile pictures, your albums, and the photos that other people tag you in.
They can see the applications you use, the games you play, your embarrassing quiz results (don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about) and what your friends post on your wall.

.. I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this now; I just think that whilst there isn't a real purpose for posting 100 embarrassing photos from last night's party, you do it anyway on Facebook. But you'd probably only post 5 in a blog on Xanga, and any dodgey-looking photos usually come with an explanation LOL
SO THE POINT IS, you're generally less conscious about what you put on FB and that's why it's more dangerous than Xanga :)

PS. .. but I'm probably just bitter atm because I'm currently on a Facebook ban til after exams LOL.

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