Saturday, November 6, 2010

ticked off

Geez, so you know how my URL is azukiflower? Yeahyeah it's an amazing choice and yes I am aware that azuki are red beans and don't have flowers (or none that I've seen, and even if they did have flowers, they would probably look weird and spikey).

But I wanted to be just azuki because it's a cool word okay and redbeans are cool. Except for those ones you get for free at Chinese restaurants that don't even taste like redbean. They taste like orange peels and I can only assume that this is from the leftover orange peels of the free fruit they also serve. Or even worse, when people don't finish their oranges and the waiters collect them back at the end of the night. Eww..

But fortunately that rarely happens because Chinese people are too stingy to leave the restaurant without eating all the food first, even if it's just complementary fruit. Speaking of which, my brother's theory with the "free soup" they serve before a meal; he reckons it's the bones they collect when people are done with their meat. But I think he's wrong because that has to be illegal, or he's at least lying to me... anyway I think the whole free crappyfood is stupid. Feeding your customers leftovers in a pathetic attempt to seem like you're giving them "complementary sides" is just really cheap.

But onto the main point of this post; I decided to look up the evil person who stole my URL, azuki.blogspot. DON'T LOOK AT HER SITE NOW, OKAY? SHE DOESN'T DESERVE YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION.

I wouldn't care if she had a lovely flourishing blog and was doing the name 'azuki' justice, but she hasn't posted since 2002. Excuse me lady, but if you haven't used your blog for 8 and half years- or alternatively, since I was 9 years old- why is it still up? Don't you know that your URL is something original and simple, and your refusal to delete it and make way for the new generation of awesome (that's me), causes people to resort to stupid URLs like sxc-azuki-ninja69, or like azukibubblepop1285?

Whatever trevor. Flowers (even weird, spikey ones) are prettier than normal redbeans anyway :)

And on a completely unrelated not (just in case anybody was interested); I'm going to miss physics next year :(


  1. not gonna lie...i looked at her blog :P and to avoid looking like a hypocrite, you should probs delete myonlysunshinex3.blogspot because there's probably someone out there in 8.5 years time raging about someone stealing their url ;) HAHAHA

  2. yeaaah i considered that too .. but i thought that the probability of someone wanting to use 'myonlysunshinex3' was much lower than 'azuki' :D
    I will delete it now anyway just because it's really embarrassinggg LOL

  3. PHYSICSSSSS!! WOOOOOO!!! ... I have no way of escaping it so I don't know if I'll miss it as such!
