Tuesday, November 9, 2010

the luckiest day of my life thus far.

Today was a good day!

I woke up this morning feeling anxious. I then contemplated how big my asshole would be by the end of the day, after being anal raped by my physics exam (.. uh, too graphic?).

I planned to get to school at about 10, and do a practice exam just to get my mind warmed up. So off I went, to take the bus to school! This is when I began to feel the universe smiling joyously at me because while walking to the bus stop I could not help but notice the blatant absence of magpies in my neighbourhood.

Now if you dont already know, I'm utterly terrified of magpies. I've heard too many stories of eyes being gouged out though I have never been attacked before, and I take severe measures to keep it that way LOL. (I might write a separate blog entry about this later if I get bored enough)

Anyway, at this point it seemed the world was finally repaying me for my contributions ! Then as I walked from the bus stop to my school, another wonderful thing happened.


I did not see the bird, but a little "plop" of birdpoo appeared not more than 20cm in front of me. Now when I was telling Vivian about this, she said that you're only lucky if it craps ON you. But I certainly would not feel very lucky if this bird had taken a dump on my head. So I don't mean to brag or anything- but almost being crapped on by a bird is like the luckiest of all luckies!

AND THEN. Now you're just going to think I'm lying, but also while walking to school, I saw a butterfly! Now this is pretty rare for me and it's probably the first butterfly I've seen all year. WOW! Now all I need is that field of daisies, and my dream can finally come true :D (refer to blogpost a few days ago)

Then I had my physics exam! Which wasn't as fantastic as the magpies, birdpoo and butterflies, but thankfully my asshole is still intact!

But it's definitely a weird feeling wondering if this is the end of my relationship with Newton. :(

No more forces, friction or electromagnetic induction. No more amperes, newtons, teslas, webers or ohms.
And best of all, no more staying up til 2AM finishing a cheatsheet that I left til the last minute! LOL jokes, I never did that anyway because I hate cheatsheets .__.

*sigh.. But I feel somewhat sad, even though Physics and I hardly spent any time together throughout the year. But at the end of the day (semester), we could spend hours trying to make it work, and it was still my baby <3

"Every couple have their moment- but if they torque, they can resolve their differences."

Ok, let's cut the sentimental stuff, because you probably don't care about my relationship with Physics and this is probably awkward fo you. Like watching two ugly people PDA ... *shudders

UMM, but regarding the Physics exam. It was quite long, relatively hard, but still do-able. Long, hard and do-able is generally a good thing, so I won't read too much into that. But the important thing is that I didn't get raped :)

After the exam, Vivian and I went out for lunch so we could discuss it. Yummy, we had Korean food <3 Oh and we had a nice interesting chat about a few other things including stingy asians and naive people, but this post is going to be too long if I write about it now =P

Oh my, what a splendid day! And now I'm back home but I really don't feel like studying for chemistry which is tomorrow :( I'm soo not ready for it.. better wear two layers of thick pants, and a belt .. If you don't get that, then you're not supposed to :D


I can't believe this is the end,
And it is now too late to mend,
Any mistakes I may have penned,
In the time together we did spend,
Oftentimes you, I do not comprehend
But to see you soon I do intend,
Our relationship, I wish to extend,
Dear Physics, my beloved friend.

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