Saturday, November 13, 2010

gleeeee !

Officially addicted to Glee. I am officially a Gleek.

I started watching it today, and I'm halfway through episode 10 at the moment. I wanted to blog about it because I'm feeling this unhealthy attachment to the characters at this point LOL. I know it's fictional, but I really can't stand seeing Finn messing around with Rachel, even if they don't "do anything".

So this is how I see it at the moment:
Quinn is dating Finn, but she's pregnant with Finn's best friend, Puck's baby. She apparently got drunk one night and they slept together, because she "felt fat that day". Finn somehow believes that he got her pregnant even though they've never slept together because he .. sort of jizzed in the spa when they were making out LOL. Uh, so Puck knows he's the father because he's the only guy Quinn has slept with, and when he finds out about her pregnancy, he expects that he's going to be the one looking after her and their baby (aww). Puck genuinely likes Quinn, but she doesn't think he can support them financially/be a good dad. So she won't tell anyone who the real father is, and she really wants to hold onto Finn even though obviously there's some chemistry between Finn and Rachel.

Okay so you're probably wondering why I'm so worked up about Finn doing the "cheating", when Quinn is the one who had sex with her boyfriend's best friend.

But I don't see it like that. I see Quinn as someone who made one mistake, and she was just unlucky that her one mistake become something bigger and how she has a baby on the way. On top of that, her boyfriend is an immature, irresponsible, cheating little loser who doesn't really seem to care about her or the baby. Let's not forget that he thinks this is his baby- and yet he complains that hes too busy/tired to get a job? Um hello, what about his tired girlfriend carrying another person inside of her?

And I think Quinn is too in love with Finn to leave him even though he keeps getting uncomfortably close/flirty with Rachel who is soo into him. It really shits me that these people can't just make decisions.

I like Puck because he's made a decision to do what he can for Quinn and the baby, even if she won't acknowledge that it's his. He would do anything to make a life for his family, even if it means breaking the rules, and he keeps trying to show her that, by earning money to give to Quinn. I like Quinn because she made a decision to stay with Finn, even though he's not helping her with the baby. I really think she should just elope with Puck because he's the one who really cares about her, but at least she's made her decision (as far as I can tell), and she's sticking with it.

But people like Finn need to grow a pair and decide what they want. If he wants Rachel's "nice ass" then maybe he should just break up with Quinn and stop being such a douchebag. And if he really loves Quinn, then he should start becoming a man and think about how to provide for his girl instead of flirting with ugly, annoying girls with huge noses. The thing that I hate the most about Rachel is that she still wants Finn so badly even though he has a pregnant girlfriend. That is just sooo out of line. I mean as if her self-centredness isnt enough, but she has to be a homewrecker too?

And speaking of home-wreckers. Why is Emma so damn desperate? I don't understand how you can look at a married man with a baby on the way, and still try and take him away from his family. Okay maybe I don't understand because I've never met my "soulmate". Maybe it's normal to be completely selfish when you find someone and you know that they are 'the one' for you.

But in my ignorance, all I see is a bunch of selfish pricks who don't care about other people's families. And it makes me sick. What if you were a loving and devoted wife and mother who made a decision to do dedicate your life to your family. And then one day your husband decides to leave you for this bimbotic girl at work who has been eyeing him for ages.

It all just makes me so upset and angry. I actually feel like crying sometimes because I don't understand why some couples can be so screwed up.

You know, it sounds really stupid, but I recently I've started to wish that I would find a guy who I loved more than he loved me. I know a lot of people want the security of finding someone who loves them more, and I thought I wanted that too, but after seeing so many failed relationships, I thought I needed something different. I'm not saying I want someone who will hurt me, but I do want someone who could hurt me bad if they wanted to. Oh geez, I realise I'm beginning to sound like a sadist now... but I really think that devotion is more important than power in a relationship.

For my husband, I will make his sandwiches and iron his clothes, I'll bake him cookies and even give up custard if he's allergic (I love custard. LOVE). I will cut the crusts off his bread if he likes that, and still love him if he's a geek with no friends. And if he's a magpie enthusiast ... ok no, sorry I will not have a pet magpie because they are disgusting and scary..

Ok the point is that I was becoming comfortable with the idea of trusting someone so much that you can love them unconditionally*. I remember some really old-school quote, "Loving someone is giving them the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to". But watching all this makes me hope I don't even have to love someone so much that I can't leave them when I know they're only hurting me. It's almost torturous to watch because it hurts :( Maaaan, I am getting way too into this. I know these people are idiots, but I can't stop watching.

But I guess what gets to me is not so much the dumb characters, it just makes me realise how many crappy people are out there. I'm going to end this blog abruptly now because I'm too annoyed to think anymore, and I have more Glee to watch >__>

*I don't even know if people are capable of unconditional love.. but Tupac says they are, so that's a good sign LOL :D



    there's this tv show on satellite that my parents are really's like a dating couple goes on this show and tells their story in front of a live audience and their parents. then, they have to decide if they want to get married or not, and so they go..

    you know what i should just blog about this. brb.
