Saturday, November 20, 2010

i cant be bothered rereading this and my head hurts

Omgosh so many things to blog about because now that exams are over, so much stuff has been happening.

To quickly recap;
Went to school for a bit to attend to some business :) and then went to the city with Viv, Sam, Soph and Lisa to bum around and shop as non-highschoolers. Then the others finally came and we went to eat at Grill'd. From memory, I was pretty knackered by the end of the day because hayfever was really awful and my eyes were about to give up and collapse in on themselves..

Went to YiLing's house to dye her hair. I'd never dyed hair before so that was an interesting experience and I sincerely hope I didn't ruin it :(
Then on friday night we had our Valedictory, which wasn't too bad considering I was really not in the mood for a formal event haha =P

Went to watch Harry Potter 7 (part 1) and shop around a little. The movie was pretty good, quite suspenseful, but I think you'd only appreciate it if you'd read the books.
Then had Amanda's 18th that night. She had it in my old suburb, and I drove past my primary school on the way there. It felt really sad.. It's the same feeling as when you see your ex .__. it's like it doesn't fit into your life at all anymore, but you know it's something you'll always care about. /wrist *emo haha jokes ~

But on the subject of LOOOOVEEEE. (and because I really like answering these surveys,) I'm going to answer these questions so that I can one day read this with my future husband and compare him to my currently-ideal-future-husband LOL.

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
Goodlooking in my eyes :)

2. Smart?
Yeah, I'd like his IQ to be above 120 .. over 135 would please me LOL

3. Preferred age?
'A few' years older :) that is so vague..

4. Preferred height?
Preferred height would probably be 175-180 .. but as long as he's taller than me when I wear heels then we're good (Y)

5. How about sense of humor?
Yeah, he needs to appreciate my kind of humour and not think I'm weird :(

6. How about piercings?
Ears are fine- eyebrow is .. acceptable perhaps if he looks like Puck from Glee

7. Accepts you for who you are?
No, I really want a guy who hates who I am. *heavy sarcasm*

8. Pink hair?
.. I'd really prefer not

9. Mushy or no?
Hmm, not too mushy and not in public ;)

10. Thin or fat?
Tank ! Nah um, somewhere in between? :)

11. Black, Brown, Yellow or White (skin color)?
I can sense this question causing problems in my future marriage.. so I'm going to say I'm down for them all LOL.

12. Long hair or short hair?
I generally prefer short. And if he's a guy who looks good with long hair, then just.. Please not longer than mine.

13. Plastic or metal?

14. Smells good?
Yum cologne :)

15. Smoker?
Prefer not, because cigarettes make everything smell weird, and they're a waste of money that could be spent on our future childrens' education >=[

16. Drinker?
I can't say I wouldn't be impressed if he could hold his alcohol well. Nothing worse than a bratty kid who is allegedly "off his face" after two beers LOL.

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
Boy-from-Calvin-Klein-catalogue type..

18. Muscular?

19. Plays piano?
Yeah *shrugs

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Yum :)

21. Plays violin?
On par with the guy who plays the piano =P

22. Sings very well?
Sing songs to me <3

23. Vain?

24. With glasses?
Doesn't matter so much, but I would like our children to at least have a chance of having perfect vision :(

25. With braces?
Probably would prefer him not to have braces when we're in our 20s LOL.

26. Shy type?
Hm, not too shy, but not overconfident either

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
Good boy :) But it's okay if he's a rebel, as long as he's *my* rebel.

28. Active or passive?
Active, but not a stalker..

29. Tight or bomb?

30. Singer or dancer
HM, this is so hard.. dancer? Oh but dancers can't dance you a lullaby :(

31. Stunner?
Hungry Jacks. LOL

32. Hiphop?
Uh yes?

33. Earrings?
Already answered this- earrings are chill with me.

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
Noooo :(

35. Dimples?
Cute, but I wouldn't reject a guy because of his lack of dimples ._.

36. Bookworm?
Probably not.

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES. Call me a sap but I love reading letters :)

38. Playful?
I guess so?

39. Flirt?
.. I hope he's only flirting with me >=[

40. Poem writer?
Sure :)

41. Serious?

42. Campus crush?

43. Painter?
Um, I don't really care.

44. Religious?
Complicated, but I guess so.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
What a pointless question >__>

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
*sigh, if he's asian then this is probably a given. =__=

47. Speaks 20 languages?

48. Loyal or Faithful?

49. Good kisser?
If he's bad, we can just practise :) OH GOSH, how corny and disgusting.

50. Loves children?
Not more than I love children. Because that might be illegal..

1 comment:

  1. my iq's over 120, i play piano, i'm taller and older than you, i love children less than you, i don't think your humour is weird and i'm a calvin klein model :)

    but my hair's longer than yours, i sing and guitar badly and there's no way in hell our kids would have 20/20 vision. also i'm a girl, so...
